IContact is a handy and easy-to-use program that allows you to have instant access to your GMail address book from your desktop wherever you are and whenever you want. This wonderful tool will allow you to find your contacts quickly without logging in to your GMail/Google Apps account. The application can be also fully integrated with other applications like your favorite email client, Skype and Goolge Maps. The utility can be particularly helpful if you have more than one PC, for instance one at work and one at home, because you will have access to all your contacts without having to synchronize them. What is more, the program is connected to different tools on your desktop and enables you to start your email client by clicking on an email address, find an address on Google Maps and send it to your Garmin or TomTom navigator, call a contact with Skype, among other useful things.
All in all, iContact combines the power of a central on-line contact repository with the convenience of a simple desktop application. It supports Windows XP or Vista and requieres .NET framework 2.0.